Your gifts have arrived in this post office box in Murfreesboro for the past 15 years! In turn, you’ve helped us build disciple making networks.

Some of you have supported The Timothy Network from the day we launched until the present. Many others joined along the way. Regardless of how long you’ve contributed or whatever the amount, each donation has been received with appreciation and thankfulness. Your partnership in disciple making helps us stay the course!

Thanks so much!

Mike Stroud


Timothy Network’s Annual Fall Benefit has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Although cancellation was necessary, we remain in need of your financial support.

Roughly 20% of our annual budget is donated in conjunction with the fall dinner, making it an important event for us. With thIs in mind, we hope many of you will pitch in to help launch our work into 2021.

A team of 27 volunteers began making calls this week, asking donors to make contributions as they normally would at a Fall Benefit dinner. Don’t be surprised if you hear from one of them soon 🙂 Instructions for making donations toward our fall campaign are also found at the end of this post.

I could literally write a book on ways God has provided for The Timothy Network from the time we began in 2005. From an unexpected donor who phoned with a $10,000 pledge to help start The Timothy Network to the faithfulness of a person who has given $5 per month for over 10 years, God has continually blessed our work with partners who believe in relational disciple making.

Although the pandemic has required adjusting methods for disciple making, we’ve adapted. Discipling relationships continue virtually through Zoom, and we hope to begin meeting in person again very soon.

If you happened to miss our Anniversary report with highlights from the past 15 years, simply CLICK HERE.

To Make a Donation toward
The Timothy Network’s Fall Funding Campaign 
1.  Mail your gift to The Timothy Network at P.O. Box 332555 Murfreesboro, TN  37133
2.  Contribute by Paypal at the following link: