Welcome to our Resources page. Here you can find links to our curriculum, more videos about Timothy Network and links to external resources about discipleship.

Welcome to our Resources page. Here you can find links to our curriculum, more videos about Timothy Network and links to external resources about discipleship.


A Program, No!
A Track to Run On, Yes!

Disciple-making reduced to a “one-size-fits-all” approach runs the risk of short circuiting the growth of those being discipled.   That’s not the way The Timothy Network rolls.   Our approach is purposely flexible and organic.

Although we try to avoid a “programmed” way of making disciples, direction and structure are very much involved in the way we go about investing in people. We follow a path, but one that is adaptable.

You won’t see or hear us use terms like “curriculum” very much, but that is not because we don’t have and use a learning track in the discipling process. We just typically avoid words that give off a rigid, “lecture sounding” vibe. Curriculum is from the Latin and simply refers to a “track to run on.”   We use such a track and it begins with a series of fifty-two conversations that are included in our “Disciples-iNApprenticeship” Conversation Guide.

Copies of the Conversation Guide are available for $20 (per copy) plus shipping. You also have our permission to download and print copies free of charge using this link:

Conversation Guide


External Discipleship Resources

An Archive of Short and Helpful Videos by Others

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