On July 28, 2005 The Timothy Network was issued a corporate charter by the Tennessee Secretary of State. The charter and bylaws were unanimously accepted at the first Board meeting on August 9, 2005.
Our work was founded as a grassroots effort that helps people from all walks of life to know and follow Jesus the Messiah, men and women capable of replicating the process by discipling others.
It has been our conviction from day one that effective disciple making best occurs in the context of life on life relationships. We have followed the pattern of Jesus, discipling only a few at a time over a period of months. The simple goal is to teach and nurture disciples who are equipped and empowered to disciple others.
The model follows the template given by the apostle Paul to his son in the faith, Timothy.
“The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2
And off we went!
The following tells a little of the story that began 15 years ago.
First men’s discipling circle formed in late 2005. Left to right: Terry Harville, Rod Key, Ronnie Henderson, Zach Holt, Joel Hoag, Nick Horton, Jeff McKeand, and Steven Burford. Not present – Nick Howell, Mark McAlexander, and Michael Strickland. Taken during “Launch Retreat” in 2007.
One of our earliest discipling circles for women, 2008. Left to right – Shelly Stanley, Andrea Bell, Miranda Nave, Katie-Lynn Bohannon, Kim McKnight, Heather Anderson, Sarah Beth Templeton, and Heather Schow. Not present Tracey Patterson and Karen Stroud.
“Wellspring Outreach” in partnership with Green House Ministries. Men in transition from homelessness. About 15 discipling relationships developed. Larry Christianson (not pictured) and Killian Washington (far right) were baptized. Jim Moore (front row, second from left) remained active with Timothy Network until his death in 2018.
Katie Frazier, seated on left, is a fourth generation descendant of relational discipleship. From the circle of women she discipled here grew a fifth generation. At least one of these sisters is now discipling a sixth. 2 Timothy 2:2!
Relational Disciple Making Over the Years
The result of one person discipling another, who disciples another, and so on down the line
Expansion into Bedford, Cannon, & Davidson Counties
(Sixty-plus multiplying discipling relationships and a growing leadership network)
Starting in the Unionville farmhome of Linda Vanatta (front row, second from left), Mary Gordon (back row,second from right) carried The Timothy Netowrk into Bedford County. Both men’s and women’s groups took root there and began meeting for weekly dinners and discipling in 2015. And they are still at it!
Campouts, Retreats, & Special Events
A Discipling Partnership with Green Street Church Homeless Camp in Nashville
With the help of many outside volunteers, this amazing little congregation of about 20 something “Gen X’ers” built the pictured encampment of “tiny homes” and tents. They care for a segment of Metro Nashville’s homeless population. The camp is located directly beside the Green Street church buildihg. We’ partnered with them for a season in hosting Friday morning fellowship and “Bible talks” and hope to see this rekindled in the future.
Timothy Network’s Life on Life Disciple Making Workshops:
Training Churches in Relational Discipleship
Above: Mayfair Church, Huntsville, AL – Day Retreat with Staff
Above: At the Philo Road Church, Champaign – Urbana, IL
Above: At the Woodbury, Minnesota Church – Minneapolis – St. Paul. Breakout Classes for women were taught by longtime Timothy Networker, Gracie McKeand.
A New Initiative: Genesis Fellowship
We thank God for sending Keoni Enlow our way and for his passion for discipling men in crisis! “Genesis Fellowship” kicked off in February as a Sunday morning “Missional Community” / discipleship gathering complete with breakfast by David Bobo (in back). Momentum was building when the Corona virus necessitated moving to virtual meetings in April. The virtual group is smaller with an average of only 8 men, but we hope to keep this community intact and growing.
A Very Unexpected Challenge in 2020: “Virtual” Disciple Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The necessity of relying on virtual (online) meetings was stressful in the beginning. But it does work! As the weeks turn into months with social distancing needs, we are learning virtual technology brings new opportunities. For example, we have connected and are maintaining virtual discipling relationships with people in three other states. One of our Saturday morning discipling circles includes men from Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee. They are committed regulars, some coming from backgrounds in addiction and all seeking Jesus. These interstate connections come through friendship networks among people active with The Timothy Network.
Here’s much appreciation for your persistent encouragement, love, prayers, and financial support over the past 15 years! Thank you!!!
Board of Accountability
Brent Walker, Jon McPeters, Dr. Ben Austin,
Pat Whitaker, Mike Randolph, Dr. Robert Blaylock – Treasurer,
Shelly Stanley, and Ray Singer – Chair and President
Mike Stroud, Executive Director
Jesus said it! “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matt. 9:37
Please contact us if you would like to get involved in relational discipleship.
We have a place for you!
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