Update One

You are helping us make a life changing difference in the lives of real people!

Carissa called with a list of questions. She’d heard about Timothy Network but wanted to make sure we weren’t “just another church program.” She said, “I’ve been to church and many Bible studies, but I’ve never been discipled. I want that.”

Next came a meeting and more questions, but this time Carissa wanted to share her story and what lead her to us. Although from a religious upbringing, her life derailed about the time she turned ten years old. She took a path that ultimately lead to a lot of heartache and regret. She came admitting brokenness and despair but also expressed a deep hunger to serve the Lord. We’ve been able to help Carissa. She’s now on the receiving end of a discipling relationship involving a leader and two other women. Carissa has a passion to know God. I really believe she’ll soon be discipling others.

Dan grew up in Wisconsin. He was reared by good parents but not in a Christian home. He came to Christ while in college during the mid-1980s. I met him through our mutual work with Project Braveheart at the Rutherford County Correctional Work Center. Now in his late forties, Dan is married and has three grown children. He recently said, “I’m entering a phase in life when I want to start pouring myself into others, but I only have a vague idea of what that looks like. I’m excited to go through a process of being discipled myself so I’ll be more effective in discipling others.”

Carissa and Dan are but two of the thirty-one new discipling relationships connected with Timothy Network in the early going of 2014. They’re part of a multiplying chain of about three other hundred men and women that God has brought together since 2005. More and more of these folks are the result of second, third, and some fourth generation disciple making. We hope that even more are being impacted as some we’ve discipled have moved to other cities and states.

Life-on-life disciple making will reproduce and spread as the Holy Spirit transforms hearts. As Dan, Carissa, and others like them experience the transforming power of intentional discipling relationships, they can pay it forward by discipling others. That’s the goal. That’s what we’re praying for. That’s what you’re helping us do.

Whether you’re a prayer partner, a regular financial backer or help and encourage us in other ways, we really appreciate your support.