Women have played an important role in God’s Kingdom mission since the days of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna accompanied Jesus and supported him out of their private means. After his death, women continued to play prominent roles in the early church. Some scholars suggest that a majority of Christians in the first century may have been women (Karen King, Frontline).
Timothy Network has been strengthened by women who love God and have a passion for discipleship. They’re eager disciples of Jesus who desire to encourage one another’s faith and lead others to Christ. Their role in making disciples and building discipling networks is an important component in our goals for building up the church and reaching those who don’t know Christ.
We’d like to introduce you to a few of the women actively involved in our work. They are making disciples and equipping disciple makers.
Gracie McKeand
There is nothing more powerful and frightening to Satan than women gathering in the name of Christ. A group, such a mine, allows us to speak our concerns, doubts, feelings of guilt, stresses and hurts into the light. We find commonality in our transparency, and
ultimately we feel less lonely and isolated in our personal battles with Satan. Since women are relational by nature, God binds us together through our tears and laughter, and our bond strengthens quickly.
Iʼm amazed at how much Iʼve grown in my walk with Christ since our group started. I, like so many other women, am constantly bombarded with false guilt and feelings of coming up short. Itʼs refreshing to bring my false guilt to the group and find encouragement. God frees me to be a better disciple, mother, and wife, and I feel so energized.
Shelly Stanley
The Timothy Network has had a huge impact on my life. It has truly shaped the way I view living as Christ called us to. I have made life long friendships through my Timothy Network groups. These girls have become my closest and dearest friends. I’m so thankful that God has blessed me with such wonderful and supportive friends.
Katie-Lynn Bohannon
For women, friendship is vital to our well-being. I love when Jesus tells his disciples that they are his friends (Jn 15:15). I am a mom of a 2 year old and struggle with life’s ups and downs, so sometimes disciple making seems to be a daunting task. However when I fall into the presence of God, He meets my deepest needs like the dearest of friends. Like a friend he tells me the truth..He tells me simply to be a friend, to give grace to my friends, to be truthful and authentic. When I do this, I can bring others closer to Christ and find myself closer to Christ as well.
Kathy Cox
I just left our group tonight and I’m now writing this letter. We have been meeting for around 2 years. Tonight was our last session. It’s been a wonderful journey as we have shared so much during this time.. It is going to be strange not having our weekly fellowship time. I have grown to love the sweet young women I have met with. I believe we have helped one another grow closer to becoming the disciples that Christ intended. We have shared weekly our thoughts and concerns, passions and fears. God has been good to us!
I can understand how building disciples is worship to God. The fact is, Christ is the center of our discussions no matter what we talk about. It is hard to visualize having a relationship with God and not being passionate about making disciples as you go on your journey. Maturin together is so sweet. I believe that’s the way God intended it to be. I believe as we continue to feed the sheep, we will naturally become more like the shepherd. “Love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement, because in this world we are like him.” I John 4:17
Andrea Bell
Women are naturally more relational than men, so being involved in the Timothy Network with Christian women devoted to growth has been an amazing blessing in my life. The experience has fostered both spiritual and relational growth. Through devotion and intentional relationship building, God has transformed my previous views of “perfectionistic, check-list” Christianity. I now understand the process of being sanctified by Christ. I’ve better grasped the importance of “living out the word” while living life with others in discipleship and service. Studying and praying with others strengthens and deepens bonds like nothing else in this world can. I have been able to practice and grow more comfortable with truthful, transparent communication and accountability with others. It’s been challenging for me but has yielded peace and a greater experience/knowledge of what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities the Timothy Network has allowed me as well as prepared me to encounter with more purpose and intention.
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