Fall Benefit 2018 was held earlier this month at Stones River Country Club. This year’s theme, “Fearless!” was based on Paul’s reminder that disciples of Jesus “have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power.” II Timothy 1:7
Effective, reproducible disciple making requires courage and endurance. We also need the daily awareness that it is by God’s power and protection that committed Christ followers are made. Living with this confidence is how the church will “storm the gates of Hell”!
Tim Hooper, an active member of Timothy Network and the founder of Time4Energy LLC, delivered the keynote message. Tim’s journey from “casual Christianity” to committed disciple of Jesus makes him a great partner.
Proceeds from Fall Benefit currently stand at just over $30,000 with a few more gifts continuing to arrive. We still hope to hit the $50,000 funding goal before year-end. Your gracious support of our efforts to build relational discipling networks has continued for over thirteen years now. We are very appreciative of your backing, involvement, and prayers. Thank you!
P.S. Please see “Backstory” that follows a few photos of the Benefit dinner.

Jesus never made a fuss about his financial circumstances.
He lived simply and trusted God to provide for the needs of the work he and his disciples were undertaking. Nowhere is this more obvious than a story given in Matthew 17:24-27.
Taxes were due, and Jesus calmly told Peter to go fishing. Peter obeyed and found exactly what Jesus had predicted – enough money in a fish’s mouth for paying what both he and Peter owed.
The story makes me smile every time I read it, but I really needed the reminder during the summer of 2005. After only one short year in Oregon, Karen and I made the hard decison of moving back to Tennessee.
The angst of that time remains a fresh memory. Thoughts of leaving after only a year were painful. Our church family in Newberg had shown confidence in moving us there. They’d been loving and supportive of the work we’d partnered to accomplish. The deterioratng health of family members back in Tennessee made the move necessary, however, and return we did.
The idea of starting a focused disciple making project had been with me for quite a while. God really seemed to bring the vision into focus and nudge me forward that summer, however. And although the “WHY” was very clear, “HOW” it would get off the ground stretched my faith.
Then this happened:
Karen and I had been praying for wisdom. If it were to be God’s will, how would such a project get off the ground? Would people catch the vision and support us?
All this weighed heavily as I was driving back to my office in Newberg one July day. I remember rounding a curve on Villa Road when a marquee in front of a small Lutheran church buidling caught my eye and captured my heart. It read, “When God guides, He will provide!” It might sound cliche’ to some, but it was needed manna from Heaven for me that day!
Within a few weeks all the legalities for establishing a non-profit were in gear, and funding for The Timothy Network was soon arriving. Within two weeks of contacting several friends whom I believed would have interest in the idea, sufficient funding for the first few months of operations were pledged and The Timothy Network launched.
By the grace of God and with the ongoing help, encouaragement, and prayers of many of you, our work entered year fourteen this Fall. It remains our passion to “make disciples who will make disciples.” Thanks so much for helping us stay the course!
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