Jesus was an “igniter.” He came to spark a radical change of heart and transformed living. His was the revolutionary message of the Kingdom of God!
The Timothy Network embodies a vision for following through on the God-given mission of disciple making. It’s our goal to spread fires of disciple making in the 21st century.
Using a simple grassroots approach, we’ve been discipling ordinary men and women and equipping disciple makers since 2005. By the grace of God, the work has spread beyond our base in Murfreesboro, Tennessee into neighboring counties over the past two years. We’re praying for opportunities for even greater impact in 2017.
No mission effort happens in a vacuum. It takes a team, and many of you have certainly filled that role as encouragers, prayer partners, and financial backers. Some gather the kindling, some strike the match, and others fan the flame. God gives the increase as the gospel burns in the hearts of His people.
With all that is in us, we thank you for “fanning the flames” of disciple making in 2016. Your gifts and encouragement have helped us stay the course through another year.
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