
Six New Discipling Cells Launched Since January

Twenty new faces have connected with us in new discipling relationships so far this year. That’s three new cells for women and three for men. We’re pleased to have them and thankful for the fresh energy and interest they bring. Please partner with us in prayer for them and for four new discipling leaders: Alice Clements, Gloria Daniel, John Jones, and Maridel Williams.

Titus 2 Disciple-Making In The Works

The apostle Paul instructs older women to encourage younger women in the ways of mature discipleship. (Titus 2:3-5) We’ve been discipling women of all ages over the past few years, but we’re now in position to do more of what Paul instructs. Gloria Daniel and Maridel Williams have stepped forward to specifically help us disciple “older” women who will in turn be able to disciple the younger.

Timothy Network Spring Retreat is scheduled for Friday night April 5 through Saturday morning April 6 at Dotson’s Lodge / Camp Meribah. $40 per person; $70 per couple. See our website blogspot for further details. ( Registration deadline is March 25.

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David Ring

IT MIGHT BE THE MOST IMPORTANT EIGHT MINUTES YOU’LL SPEND TODAY! Paste the following link into your browser, listen to David Ring’s story, and decide for yourself whether God can use you.