Tom Beckwith

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. I Corinthians 9:27 NLT

At the age of 57 I saw myself in the mirror and said, “Something has got to change!”

Health clubs and other facilities had been in my history with some success, but I needed more. I needed a place that would encourage me, challenge me, make me feel uncomfortable, and hold me accountable. I needed a place that would stretch me. CrossFit was the answer.

CrossFit took me where I was and began showing me where I could go. Initially there was an incredible sense of intimidation as I stumbled and struggled with the minimal movements and skills. The CrossFitters who were so intimidating at first, however, became my greatest encouragers.

After a couple of years of daily workouts, I came home one day and asked my bride, “Do you know what CrossFit is like to me?” Without hesitation and with a big smile she replied, “Church!” Bingo! CrossFit had become like church – a place where people know you and care about you.

Staying in good physical condition and remaining spiritually fit share commonalities. The model of discipleship we study and practice with the Timothy Network provides a good analolgy.

Through CrossFit, I meet with a small group of like-minded people working on the same skills to become a more physically fit person. Through Timothy Network, I meet with a small group of like-minded men to study scripture, live in confessional community, and be challenged to become a more disciplined followers of Christ.

With both, I have an opportunity to reveal my weaknesses and struggles so that others can help me become stronger and more disciplined. We help one other overcome obstacles and challenges. With both, I take what I have learned to help and encourage others. Timothy Network and CrossFit are similar in that participants are not on their own. We have friends with similar goals supporting one another as we are transformed.

After three years of CrossFit I am much more physically fit. After one year with the Timothy Network I am much more spiritually fit.

Tom owns a local Snap-on Tool franchise. He and his wife Camille attend the North Boulevard church.