Jesus Christ associated with some of the most unsavory men and women of his time. As a result, he was accused of being “a friend of sinners.” Thank God that was and is his mission!


I’ve been having coffee with a leper. No, not the kind of person who has the flesh-eating disease. This man is a sex-offender. He was convicted and has served jail time for behavior that is not only punishable by law, but which also goes against the most basic of all human ethical codes. In our society he is labeled for life, shunned, and marginalized. His plight is very similar to the biblical leper who lived isolated from mainstream humanity.

Laws have been passed which mandate that this modern day leper register his location, which becomes public information. He’s now a branded man and his every move is monitored. He’s lost his job, his home, his family, and his reputation.

The encounter I mention here has led to an ongoing Bible study and friendship with a man who feels lost and alone. Before you get the wrong idea, I’m not arguing for toleralnce or downplaying sinful actions. I am, however, raising a hard question. How do we compassionately minister to people caught in a sin like this one? How do we sidestep our own inner prejudices and judgmental attitudes long enough to minister to people who’ve done things that tend to turn our stomachs? If they are truly penitent, what is our role in helping them experience and live out the grace and forgiveness of God? How do we avoid the temptation to write them off?

Disciple making is not a matter of picking and choosing who is worthy of the grace of God! If that were the case, we’d all be in major trouble. Paul’s letter to the church at Rome couldn’t have made it clearer. He wrote, “We’ve all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Jesus was accused of being a friend of sinners. Are we willing to suffer the same accusation? Let me know what you think.