The Bible assigns spiritual significance to the number SEVEN. It is the number of “completeness.” For this and many others reasons we’re very excited about beginning the seventh year of Timothy Network’s disciple-making mission. Many of you have prayed for, encouraged, and sponsored our work over the years. For that, we are extremely grateful and honored. Below are a few reflections from the first six years.

The Timothy Network was launched in August 2005 as a project aimed at making fully mature and reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.

As with any organic movement, establishing deep roots takes time. Patient investment in building intentional, God-centered relationships is the cornerstone ideal on which our work is grounded. We also live and work by the adage, “To go fast (or, to make real lasting progress), you must go slow.” In a microwave age, our work is more akin to cooking in a crock pot.

Timothy Network is an effort composed of ordinary men and women from all walks of life – teachers, factory workers, secretaries, people who have lived on the streets, housewives, doctors, accountants, business owners, computer techs, retired people (some residing in nursing homes), students, sales people, nurses, ministers, etc. We are Christ-followers united with the common purpose of encouraging authentic discipleship. We’re trying to kindle a fire for multiplying disciple-making in our generation.

By God’s grace disciple making networks are being born. Chain-reaction disciple-making is breaking out. After six years we’re seeing third and fourth generation discipling relationships. Over 250 men, women, and teenagers have been involved in discipling networks. While we’ve been heavily invested in equipping ministry, we’re gradually seeing new converts as a fruit of those who’ve been equipped to make disciples. It’s our fervent prayer to see a growing harvest as more people are intentionally discipled and equipped to disciple others.

People who previously doubted their abilities in the area of outreach are now making disciples. I can (and will, if asked) tell you stories about dozens of former pew warmers who are now passionate about being disciples of Jesus. Many of them were baptized years ago but received little, if any, discipling or mentoring. Their growth became stunted for lack of personal coaching and encouragement. Many thought of themselves as Christians, but not necessarily disciples prior to the intentional investment they’ve received in discipling triads (small discipling units of three – four people). Emily Gill is an example. Writing in the Spring 2009 newsletter Emily said, “Learning to think of myself as a ‘disciple’ has been a transforming process.”

Our ideas and aims aren’t new or exotic, but they may be radical in 21st century North America. We’re simply trying to emulate Jesus’ example of patiently discipling a few men over a sustained period of time. We also look to Paul’s dedicated investment into the lives of Timothy, Titus, Silas, and others. We’re using a focused, relational, and very intentional method of making disciples who are grounded and passionate about their faith. As a general rule, passionate people pass on what they learn. A disciple making “ripple effect” can then occur.

Thanks for your ongoing partnership and encouragement! Please pray for us as we begin our seventh year in making disciples and equipping disciple-makers.