Salt Man

His name is Greg, but I call him “the salt man.”

I met Greg about six months ago in the halls at Community Care of Rutherford County, a local care home. We’ve formed a good friendship that includes a weekly discipleship study.

Greg seems to like everybody. People in turn like him. He’s an encourager. There’s more to Greg than likability, though. He’s a “salty” Christian. That is, he is a believer who exudes love, compassion, and concern for others. Faith in Christ is important to him, and he tries to live it out by encouraging everyone in his path.

Although good natured and optimistic, Greg’s life is not necessarily easy. He has health issues that affect his mobility. You’d never guess that by watching his interactions or listening to him, however. Rather than complaining, he sees himself on a mission to serve God in the care home! He lives with purpose.

Greg’s life and attitude reflect the good kind of salt that Jesus talks about in Matthew 5:13. He’s an invigorating influence for good in the environment where God has planted him. He’s making a positive impact on others by sharing the love of Christ.

Hanging out with this brother is a blessing. He reminds me that our typical doubts and fears about sharing faith are mostly self-centered and flimsy. Greg talks about Jesus but he models him, too. His is the “salty life.”