Paul Henderson

Twenty-seven years ago I met a college kid majoring in Criminal Justice at Middle Tennessee State University. From a small town near Murfreesboro, Paul had a “typical” Christian upbringing. I met him at a time when he was searching for a lot more.

I’m frequently asked, “How do I find people to disciple?” My answer, “Look and listen for hungry hearts.” That simple guideline led me to Paul (and many others like him over the years).

Paul and I, along with another brother who had been a Christian only a few months, began meeting weekly for Bible study and prayer. We formed a tight bond that led to transparency and accountability. We openly confessed our sin, shared struggles, fears, and our deepest questions about God and faith. Each of us grew stronger as disciples of Jesus. It was the essence of relational disciple making.

Paul and Mark went on to become leaders in the campus ministry, but there’s more. Both “paid it forward” many times over by repeating the same discipling process I practiced with them. That’s the way intentional disciple making should work! Mature disciples of Jesus naturally invest in others. They continue the chain by making other disciples.

A few days after graduating from MTSU in 1988, Paul walked into my office to say he wouldn’t be pursuing a career in law enforcement. Rather, he wanted to answer the call to ministry. A few weeks later he packed his bags and moved to Seattle to enter a ministry internship and graduate school. He wanted to minister to college students. God had more far-reaching plans!

After several months in Seattle, Paul connected with a group of people wanting to plant a church in Budapest, Hungary. The idea “got in his blood.” In August 1990 Paul packed his suitcase again, this time for an even longer and more challenging journey. He later learned that his thirteen teammates voted him “first member likely to return home.” He did suffer severe bouts of homesickness, doubt, and loneliness. But, twenty-two years later Paul is the sole member of the team remaining in Budapest! He met and married a Hungarian national. Today Paul leads a church of about sixty – seventy-five Hungarian members. He’s pictured above (on the right) just before baptizing a new member of that body.

Here’s what Paul had to say in a recent newsletter:

Zoltan Tolgyesi, husband of our sister Lely (originally from Indonesia), was baptized recently. Zoli, who teaches at a language school, has been attending with his wife on and off for 12 (!) years, and though a God-fearer, had never moved beyond the ‘respect’ stage. But in his testimony he shared that in one of his times before the Lord when he was asking what stood between them, the Lord showed him an empty dish. When he asked what it meant, the Lord told him, “It needs to be immersed,” and Zoli understood the Lord was talking to him about his own immersion. It is always amazing and encouraging to know that our Father still speaks today, and that his words lead to life!

The point? Look and listen for hungry hearts. Never underestimate what God will do through the relationships you build and the disciples you make. You don’t have to move around the world; start with your neighbor or co-workers. Depend on God for the increase. He’s the ultimate gardener. No telling what kind of crop He’ll produce with the seeds you plant!

Let us know how we can help you get started.