The exchanged life

My friend, Mark Elliott, preaches convicting sermons about the disciple’s position in Christ. He uses the term “exchanged living” or “the exchanged life.” I love that picture. It’s a biblical truth.

Paul wrote, “I’ve been crucified with Christ. I don’t live any more. By faith, Jesus lives in me!” Gal. 2:20 Now that’s a real “hallelujah” claim! In submitting to Christ we receive His life. Through the Holy Spirit we’re given a new identity and are empowered to live as Christ lived because we died, and He lives in us!

Seeing ourselves as God sees us brings liberation and freedom! His grace empowers us to live “the exchanged life.” We don’t have to fake it with a facade of religion. Submitting to His kingdom rule allows Him to live and work through us. That is indeed good news!

Walk, live, love, and serve in freedom!
