Discipling Relationship Changed My Life
Now I Want to “Pay It Forward”
Will You Help Us Make Disciples in 2020?
Ray Singer, Chairman of the Board

Ray Singer
Would you prayerfully consider a year-end contribution to the Timothy Network and also give thought to becoming a monthly “Peak Partner”? I have a very personal reason for asking.
I was “stagnant” in my walk with the Lord. Anyone who knows Jesus knows that’s impossible! You’re either running towards Him or running away from Him. Knowing I needed something, but not sure what, I sought the counsel of many trusted people and was prayerfully led to Mike Stroud.
Mike wanted to help and I gratefully accepted his invitation to a table with The Timothy Network. He explained the concept of “relational disciple making,” and I immediately liked the direction in which we were headed.
That was about 4 years ago and I’m here to tell you, the simple process of sitting in a discipling circle with three other men for two years changed my life for the better! I never would have guessed it, but it did. It helped me develop a transforming relationship with Jesus!
I learned the importance of “shared life” and community with a few other believers. I’d been a churchgoer for years, but never had a taste of real fellowship. I now enjoy it every day. I understand why vulnerability regarding our struggle with sin brings us closer to others; I’ve taken off my “church mask.” I’m learning why God’s grace is so amazing and am excited to be teaching this to others.
This brings me to the whole point, friends. The Timothy Network is trying to ignite fires of disciple making both inside and outside the walls of church buildings. I needed to be led to Jesus before I could lead anyone else to him. By God’s grace I can do that now. Discipleship multiplication is the goal and I’m proof it works.

Never known as the quiet guy in the room, I’ve shared my opinions with Mike every time he asked and twice as many as he didn’t ask!! Apparently, this planted a seed in his mind about me serving on the board of the Timothy Network. That became a reality in early 2019, and I’ve recently been elected as its President.
You might have guessed that I believe in this ministry. I do! And I’d like for you to believe in and support it like my wife Pam and I do. Close to 100 recipients on this mailing list are already monthly partners and we appreciate them immensely! It’s our goal to double the number of monthly partnerships and here’s why.
It’s no secret that maintaining a stable operating budget requires committed backers. Our Annual Fall Benefit provides a big boost (typically about 20% of the annual budget). Other sizable gifts are also periodically received. We appreciate and need these gifts very much! However, ongoing monthly donations are key for work like ours to continue. These gifts remove much of the guess work and improve our ability to plan. Most important of all, monthly partnerships help alleviate the distraction of ongoing fund raising.
Increased donations are pivotal for our continued trajectory of growth. In addition to our ongoing work in middle Tennessee, we’re expanding to help churches in other parts of the country develop their own disciple-making networks. The “Life-on-Life Weekend Workshop” initiative has been created specifically for this purpose. To date, we’ve done these in Alabama, Illinois, Minnesota, and Tennessee, and are lined up for other parts of the state, with Florida, and Kansas over the next few months.
So back to the question posed in the opening paragraph. Will you please help us continue grassroots efforts to make disciples of Jesus Christ? Relational disciple making works, and we have a 14-year track record testifying to it.
Your tax-deductible gifts can be mailed to The Timothy Network, P.O. Box 332555, Murfreesboro, TN 37133. We also offer the option of monthly automatic bank draft giving; just contact us for a form to start the process. Donations are accepted via PayPal, too.
Any donation is HUGE in our ability to carry the message of the Cross to all people. This is our part of fulfilling the great commission (Matt 28:18-20)
Merry CHRISTmas from your Timothy Network family.
Ray Singer

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