
29 09, 2021

The Simplest Way to Change the World

By |2021-09-29T09:35:34-05:00September 29th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Making Disciples Hospitably Mike Stroud Our July e-letter highlighted a plan to equip Christians in using their homes as an access ministry for hospitality evangelism. Since then, one equipping group has been launched in Murfreesboro and six more couples have signed up for training beginning October 12th in the Shelbyville area. Read on. Timothy [...]

15 10, 2020

Practicing Genuine Forgiveness

By |2020-10-15T17:03:53-05:00October 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

"If you do not forgive others their sins, your Father (God) will not forgive your sins." Jesus, Matthew 6:15 Don't Pretend to Forgive Mike Stroud Genuine forgiveness can be a hurdle. If you're a sensitive personality, hurt can linger. Stubborn pride can also get in the way. In our worst moments, revenge might even seem [...]

18 10, 2019

Pat and Keoni in Their Own Words

By |2019-10-18T11:53:40-05:00October 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Pat says she was a "sleep walking Christian."  Keoni told me he tried finding people to disciple him after years of addiction but came up empty.  He, in fact, quit attending church after visiting several and becoming discouraged by the lack of opportunities for discipleship.   You'll hear both describe their experiences in the following video. They're only two [...]

21 06, 2019

Sow and See! Two Stories

By |2019-06-21T17:28:23-05:00June 21st, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

I recently read the story of Edward Kimball. I'd never heard of him, and I'm guessing most of you haven't either. Kimball was a Sunday School teacher in Detroit in the 1850's. According to biographer J. Wilbur Chapman, "This Sunday school teacher was not one of the ordinary types. Mere literal instruction on Sunday [...]

21 07, 2014

Silas Shotwell: It’s About Demonstration

By |2014-07-21T20:42:26-05:00July 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

I met a lot of good people when we lived in Oregon. Silas Shotwell was one of them. He's preached for churches across the country and once served on the staff of Pepperdine University. I connected with Silas while he was working with a small congregation at Hood River in the Columbia River gorge. Besides [...]

25 06, 2014

Marvin Williams: The Rough Waters of Discipleship

By |2014-06-25T20:42:38-05:00June 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Copied from Our Daily Journey With God on June 16, 2014. Palmer Chinchen, author of True Religion, tells of the time when he went whitewater rafting down the Zambezi River. As he and his brothers were preparing to make their way down the watery roller coaster, the guide gave them some very helpful advice: “When—not [...]

19 05, 2014

Bob Mize: The “I’m Too Busy” Excuse

By |2014-05-19T21:10:05-05:00May 19th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

We all use the lack of time excuse, but maybe it's about priorities. “I’m too busy” may be true but not necessarily a positive trait. How often have I responded to requests by saying, “I don’t have time”? What if that is a lie? Does that sound too frank? Let me explain. “I don’t have [...]

20 03, 2014

Admirer or Follower?

By |2014-03-20T19:37:15-05:00March 20th, 2014|Uncategorized|1 Comment

The link shown below in italics will take you to a video featuring authors Greg Ogden and John Ortberg. Although the entire presentation is worth hearing, Ortberg's eleven minute segment on admiring vs following Jesus ranks in the "must-listen-to-category" for every professing believer. Paste the link into your browser. When the C.S. Lewis Institute page [...]