Revolutionary Discipleship

The label “radical” is usually pinned on those who are counter-cultural. They may be radical in dress and/or hair styles. These are superficial counter-cultural behaviors, innovative and perhaps shocking but innocuous. Communism and materialism are examples of more profound radicalism – philosophical outlooks that shape the worldview of the masses. Similarly, “revolutionary” is the label often affixed to those who overturn governments or shape global political movements. However, “radical” and “revolutionary” are seldom identified with spiritual matters, or even used in positive ways.

Jesus was both radical and revolutionary! But with positive outcomes. Through quieter gestures than waging wars and overthrowing governments. More profoundly than in sparking the industrial or technological revolutions. In more far-reaching ways than space exploration. Jesus affects everything from calendars to congress. His is the “upside-down kingdom.” Where the first shall be last and the last first. Where the one who gains the world but loses his soul has lost it all.

Jesus was a radical. He embraced outcasts, cleansed lepers, protected adulterers, ate with sinners, welcomed foreigners, healed the sick, raised the dead, embraced children, affirmed the ministry of women, defied dietary laws, worked on the Sabbath, and challenged the teaching and influence of the religious and political authorities of his day. Nehring