A Weekend Workshop Sponsored by The Timothy Network

Jesus preached to crowds, but he discipled only a few at a time through personal “life on life” investment.   Relational teaching was his modus operandi.   He chose twelve ordinary men, apprenticed them for a period of three short years, then left the job of building and spreading his church in their hands.   Rather than spreading himself too thin, he built deep and purposeful teaching relationships with a few.   And within the twelve, he further narrowed his focus to only three – Peter, James, and John.

While learning facts and information is obviously imporantof, “heart deep” teaching and understanding that brings transformed living is the goal! Information without transformation is a dead end! Our goal is to help you achieve a transformed life in Christ and that you’ll in turn be able to help others on their journey to live the abundant life in God’s Kingdom.


Session I:   The Body on Life-Support

Diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. To “reboot” disciple making efforts, it’s first necessary to examine factors that put us in a state of decline.

Session II: Knowing and Experiencing The Life-Giver

It’s pre-requisite to understand that only God can give life and that intimacy with Him is the key to personal and congregational revitalization and outreach efforts. We can’t give away what we don’t have!   This session focuses on 1) Embracing and living with the power of God’s amazing grace and 2) The importance of living in intimate relationship with Him.   People who “know” the Father and are secure in their position with Him are much more likely to take the “Good News” to others (because they’ve learned that the gospel really is good news!)

Session III: Disciple Making: The Jesus Style

If TRANSFORMATION is the goal of disciple making, hhe “how” factor really is key.   On close examination, the way Jesus went about making disciples was very much related to his “Jewishness.”   This session is designed to help better understand and appreciate the very important differences in Hebrew and Greek (Western thinking) way of teaching. Reproducing disciple making depends on it!

Session IV:   Life on Life: Disciple Making through Life Connections

Although Jesus’ preaching ministry was vital, his most in-depth teaching and discipling happened with only a few at a time.   Jesus built relationships! He went to parties and spent a lot of time at the table with people.   He “did life” with them. This session addresses the vital importance of building intentional, proactive, and life-giving relationships in the context of both being a disciple and in making disciples.

Session V:   Taking Life to the Streets

A discussion of practical ways for making disciples “as we go” into all the world.   Finding people to disciple, getting started, living relationally within a discipling group, tools for studying the Bible, and prepping men and women for discipling others will be covered.

If you are interested in hosting a Life on Life Workshop at your congregation, please contact us for more information and availability.