Donations to the Timothy Network are tax deductible. Please note that In accordance with guidelines of the Internal Revenue Service, The Timothy Network has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
The Timothy Network, Inc., is a federally approved non-profit religious organization. As such, we are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Our work is primarily supported by individual contributors, although occasional grants are also received. Contributions are used to support a full time Executive Director / Discipling Minister and to pay for all expenses associated with daily operations (printing, mailing, website maintenance, equipment, materials, travel, etc.). The Executive Director is accountable to Timothy Network’s Board of Directors on all financial matters and is responsible for giving quarterly accounting updates to this group. Copies of our annual budget are available upon request.
We sincerely need and appreciate your financial assistance. Monthly donations are particularly needed at this time, but one-time contributions are also very much appreciated. Donations may be processed by Automatic Bankdraft, mail-in check, or PayPal.
To make a quick and secure online donation in any amount via PayPal, please use the “Click to Donate” button in the sidebar.
If you’re interested in giving via monthly automatic bank draft, please contact us by email or phone and we’ll send the appropriate forms for your signature. Personal checks should be made to THE TIMOTHY NETWORK and mailed to us at:
P.O. Box 332555
Murfreesboro, TN 37133
A personal record of all your donations will be mailed on a quarterly basis.
Thank you for contributing to the success of The Timothy Network!
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