
“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.” – Mother Theresa

“The queen of unwanted toys” – that’s what my friend called the lady from his church who took in social misfits.    He knew.  He’d been one of the adopted strays that experienced her love and acceptance.
The pain in his voice betrayed lingering scars of loneliness.  He’d long been treated as an oddball. The rejection had taken a toll on his self-worth. Acceptance, encouragement, and love extended by his compassionate friend was significant in helping him go on, however.   She had been Jesus to him.
People label and shun folks who don’t fit their idea of “normal.”  It even happens in the church.  On the other hand, take a look at who Jesus befriended.  Those society discarded as worthless, he accepted and encouraged.  His caring friendship renewed the spirits of lonely outcasts giving them the heart to go on.   That’s the power of love.
Loneliness and despair are enemies of the Kingdom of God!  Doesn’t it follow, then,  that disciples of Jesus should serve as soldiers on the front lines in battling these enemies?   If the church is the incarnation of Jesus, won’t we do everything possible to rescue the rejected and bind up their wounds?
The world is a hard place and getting harder – a lonely place getting lonelier. Don’t underestimate the difference you can make by showing love and acceptance to someone who feels friendless and beyond repair.   Jesus made disciples of men and women the world had rejected.   He calls us to do the same.
“I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” Jesus