question mark

I recently posted a blog titled “Plutarch Got It Right.” My motive was to provoke thinking about Christian discipleship. I used this quote from Plutarch, a Greek essayist, to stir the pot: “A mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited.”

Some of you agreed with the premise, while others took exception that I quoted a philosopher. Whether or not you sided with the idea, I’m glad it inspired discussion on following Christ. Thanks for the feedback.

Before the point grows stale here’s something to consider along side it. I’m attaching a brief sermon delivered at the North Boulevard church a few days ago. The speaker is John York. The central thesis of his message is contained in the question posed at the top of this blog.

Please take a few minutes to listen and consider.     Paste the sermon link into your browser:  Then click on “August 22, 2010 ‘Listen to ‘Eyes on Jesus.’ ”

How do you respond to the question?